Avalon Protection Prayer (Music for Spiritual Protection)

Published on November 24, 2016 by admin

Avalon Protection Prayer

The Avalon Protection Prayer is a beautiful piece of music which will clear all negative energies and entities within its sound range when it is played. It is recommended that you play it in the background whenever you’re at home or in the car.

The new 33 minute Avalon Protection Prayer “Extended Mix” mp3 is available from www.richardtylermusic.net

The Avalon Protection Prayer calms fearful mental states and clears negative energies.

According to Stuart Wilde who was a master at being able to see the entities that exist in the dimensions that lay beside us, those negative energies are what he terms as ghouls. Here’s a quote from one of his articles about ghouls. It’s from his article titled Protection from Entities which was posted on his website on September 12, 2012.

The Entities that Plague Humanity

“The entities that plague this human evolution are normally invisible to the naked eye; they are beings in the etheric that feed off humans. They include what we know as UFOs, which I have said elsewhere are not solid, they are etheric beings. But the UFO is only one shape-shift, there are many more.

Some entities are like big black spiders the size of your hand with your fingers stretched out that latch onto your chest. Others are like small orange-golden blobs about the size of a pea. They come up from below you, as do the UFOs, which are also pea-sized and in the etheric. Then there are beings that are a lot bigger. I saw one that was over two hundred-foot high. They are all in the morph.

The Morph

What we call the ‘morph’ is an energy shift in the etheric that makes it much more visible. That’s how we first saw the entities. When the morph shifts the energy of a place, like say a room, it becomes permeated with fast moving, hazy lines. Sometimes the morph looks like rain; of course it is dry rain. The etheric is normally faint and hard to see. Only people that are quite sensitive can usually see it. But in the morph the etheric becomes very clear, so almost anyone can see it. This is because normally one’s line of sight goes right through the etheric without realizing it is there. The hazy lines and swirls of the soup-like morph light up the etheric, which gives you a backdrop with which to focus your eye. In a way you could say the morph is thick etheric.”

To read more of Stuart’s writings, go to www.stuartwilde.com




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