Back To The Future Decoded (Movie Analysis)

Published on December 15, 2016 by admin

Back To The Future Decoded – Illuminati Symbolism

Back To The Future Decoded is not just a movie, it’s an occult story embedded into a movie. This movie decodes all of the Illuminati Symbolism in the original movie. Whoever wrote Back to the Future, they did an amazing job.

The intro song at the beginning of this movie analysis documentary is Nothing Else Matters by Apocalyptica.

There are six parts to this film, titled as followed:
1: A Blast from the Past (Roswell, Aliens, JFK)
2: Kronos vs Zeus
3: The Greys and the Third Eye
4: Through the Wormhole
5: Climbing Out the Rabbit Hole
6: Zeus vs Christ – Feel The Wrath !

Some Points to Take Note Of

When the Roswell crash first occurred, the Greys that landed in that crash were first referred to as “Roswell Greys”, and even though they were not referred to as Greys in the late 1940s, they were described that way.

At 11.09 into the movie, you’ll see (if you freeze it) from left to right a Lite beer truck with the word LITE twice. Then Marty’s backside pointed at the camera, and then in the background on the right, the EsSEX theater with the movie “Orgy American Style” advertised. It’s a Dionysus Cult “blood, semen, and poo” galore ritual, if you know what to look for. The Obvious C(l)ock Tower is a Temple to the Sun. Mayor “GOLDie WilSON” is (to the symbolically literate), the GOLD SUN, etc etc etc.

Reference to NASA

More intrigue in this movie – at one point in the movie the background sign says Lou’s Aerobic Fitness Center. What if the word “Lou’s” could be decoded as meaning Lewis (like Jerry Lewis)? Then you would have “Lewis Aerobic Fitness Center” but so what? If you re-arrange the words you get “Lewis Center, Aero bic Fitness”. What does this mean? There is a NASA Lewis Research Center in Cleveland Ohio where alot of Aero-Space Engineers work there. Perhaps this suggests that somebody at NASA LERC pre-planned the 911 attack on America? Planes? Aerospace? NASA? It all makes you wonder hey.

More Planning Ahead

On another interesting note, there was an episode of Lost In Space called Visit to a Hostile Planet, during which the Robinsons time-traveled back to 1947, and since it was their third year in space, it was at least 1999 (possibly even 2001), and it was possibly in October when they landed back on earth. Also, their space ship Jupiter 2 left earth on October 16th, 1997. Could this early sci-fi show also tell us something? It certainly alludes to the fact that they have been planning this for a long time.
It is striking how much the president portrayed on the Lost In Space pilot resembled George Bush, who announced the New World Order. He was around when Kennedy and Reagan were assassinated (both mentioned in Back To The Future) and was almost certainly involved in the 911 planning.


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