Infinite Power part 5 by Stuart Wilde (Audio Lecture)

Published on February 12, 2017 by admin

Infinite Power Stuart Wilde part 5

In Infinite Power Stuart Wilde part 5, we continue to hear how to consolidate our inherent power. We learn to transcend all limitations by releasing ourselves from the constraints of our egos. Ego traps the individual, according to Wilde. Then it is never happy for very long, always wanting more, whether it’s a new job, new relationship, or bigger bank account.

Stuart can be extremely funny at times. He likes to take the seriousness out of life, and nothing is sacred to him. But he’s not always humourous. Sometimes he means to get an important message across.

On being In The Flow

“I believe that life was never really meant to be a struggle. Yet somehow we’re taught that life is one of effort, hard work, anguish, difficulty, and battling on regardless. Yet when we look at nature and we look at what’s around us, we see simplicity and flow. Does the tiger get up in the morning and say, “I’m gonna try hard today; I’m gonna jog around the block and stick alfalfa sprouts up my nose and eat my vitamins and I’m gonna really struggle like crazy and hopefully by lunchtime I’ll get something to eat”? No, it doesn’t.

It just gets up, has a little sniff under its tiger armpits, wanders out into the forest, and there on the path is lunch. It’s the same for you if you get into the flow and you pull away from the emotion of struggling. Sure, you may have to drive across town to pick up a check and take it to your bank, but it doesn’t have to be anguish – it doesn’t have to be laced with emotion. Effort is part of the physical condition. Struggle is effort laced with emotion, and you don’t need that.” sw

On Dematerialisation

“A Columbian shaman I met showed some of us how to walk in and out of the mirror-world aluna using the hallucinogenic brew ayahuasca to help us perceive it. It was amazing information. I’ve been watching the mirror-world via the Morph for almost five years, but I didn’t know one could actually walk into it.

When you walk in, you disappear momentarily. Late one night I was watching an American man, an astrologer, smoke a cigarette by a fire in a garden. He had this mirror-world aluna thing worked out as he dematerialised four times. Three times he was gone for about a minute or so, but on the last occasion he was out of sight for about ten minutes. His cigarette stayed in this 3-D reality, so I knew where he was on the lawn by watching his glowing cigarette floating mysteriously in midair. It was so much fun; it really played to that part of me that’s like a little boy.
The mirror-world aluna is the place of the scattered Camelots that I’ve been promising in my writing for a long time. I’m happy now, as I know how the dream will come about. People will dematerialise and walk in there.” sw

About Learning from Stuart Wilde

Listening to or reading Stuart Wilde will do one of two things – it will either radically change your life for the better, or you won’t get his humour and style and you’ll toss the book out the window or turn off what you’re listening to. But those who do get it (and who do finish listening) usually go on to read or listen to more or all of his writings and works.




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