John Todd Ex-Illuminati part 1 (Documentary)

Published on August 18, 2020 by admin

John Todd Ex-Illuminati part 1

This is a recording taken during the 70s. John Todd Ex-Illuminati part 1 reveals much about what goes on in the witch covens and satanic circles of the Illuminati. Part 2 can be found by clicking here.

The story of John Todd is that he was a man who exposed Illuminati secrets and told of their influences in the music industry. The man who wrote the following article has read many testimonies and this one is one of those which he believes is true. (see the link at the very end of this article to read the original article). Why? John Todd belonged to one of the Illuminati’s bloodlines himself called The Collins. Here’s info about John Todd:

John Wayne Todd (c. 1950 – November 10, 2007), also known as “John Todd Collins”, “Lance Collins”, and “Christopher Kollyns”, was an American speaker. He was a former occultist who was born into a witchcraft family before converting to Christianity. He was a primary source for many Chick Publications’s works against Dungeons & Dragons, Catholicism, Neopaganism, and Christian Rock. Although most of his activity was during the 1970s, his claims continue to be spread in some fundamentalist Christian circles.



Todd was discovered in 1968 preaching and married to a woman named Linda. He claimed to have been a witch in the Navy, but converted to Christianity while visiting a southern Californian Pentecostal church. After disappearing for a few months, Todd returned without his wife, saying that God told them to seek other mates. In 1969, Todd joined the United States Army, later saying that he did so with the intention of establishing a coven of witches. He claimed to have served as a Green Beret in Vietnam before being transferred to Germany, where he killed a commanding officer. His explanation for not serving jail time for this was that the Illuminati freed him from jail and eliminated his military records.

These records were later recovered by investigative journalists working for Christianity Today, who found that he had never been to Vietnam, but was only stationed in Germany for a few months before being discharged for psychiatric reasons and drug abuse. One report concluded that Todd found it difficult to distinguish reality and fantasy. After being discharged, he disappeared again until 1973.


During the early 1970s, Todd became one of a handful of speakers making the rounds in evangelical Christian circles warning young people against the occult. Like two other of those speakers, Hershel Smith and Mike Warnke (whose claims of being an ex-Satanist have likewise been disproved), Todd claimed to have been a Satanic high priest before his conversion, which he dated as 1972. (In one meeting between Todd and Warnke, the two had a backstage confrontation and Todd accused Warnke of stealing his testimony regarding the Illuminati.) Todd also claimed that John F. Kennedy was still alive and that he had been Kennedy’s “personal warlock”. Christian publisher Jack T. Chick created a comic book, “The Broken Cross”, based on Todd’s allegations that Satanists were taking over America. In 1973 allegations surfaced that he had been making sexual advances toward young women and teenage girls at Christian meetings and a Jesus Movement coffeehouse, was incorporating witchcraft teachings into his Bible studies, was carrying a .38 handgun into church meetings, and was using drugs. In addition, he impregnated his wife’s teenage sister. After some Christian leaders who had promoted him took steps to distance themselves, including evangelist Doug Clark denouncing him on his television show, Todd dropped out of sight from fundamentalist Christianity. During this time, Todd spoke in charismatic churches, claiming to have evidence that fundamentalist churches were tools of the Illuminati.

In 1974 Todd moved to Dayton, Ohio where he opened an occult bookstore and began recruiting for a Wiccan coven. In 1976 Todd became the subject of a criminal investigation over reports that he was involving underage girls in sexual initiation rituals for his coven. Following an investigation of his activities by neopagan leaders Isaac Bonewits and Gavin Frost, which uncovered drug use and underage sex, Frost’s Church and School of Wicca revoked the charter it had granted to Todd’s coven. He was convicted of contributing to the delinquency of a minor and given a six-month sentence, but served only two months before being released due to epileptic fits.

Todd resurfaced in the evangelical Christian community in late 1977, this time claiming the existence of a vast Satanic conspiracy led by an order of witches called the Illuminati, supposedly including a number of Christian organizations and well-known Christian figures such as Jim Bakker, Jerry Falwell, Billy Graham, Bob Jones, Sr, Oral Roberts, and Pat Robertson He claimed to have given, as a member of the Illuminati, $8 million to Pastor  Chuck Smith of Calvary Chapel to launch the Christian rock industry, which Todd said was a Satanic invention to entrap Christian young people in rock music and its “demonic beat”. He claimed that Falwell had been “bought off” by the Illuminati with a $50 million donation.He also claimed that US President Jimmy Carter was the Antichrist and that the Ayn Rand novel Atlas Shrugged was the Illuminati’s blueprint for unleashing a planned Satanic takeover. He urged Christians to stockpile weapons and food in preparation for a Satanic takeover in 1980. He found a niche speaking in fundamentalist Independent Baptist churches, and for a time created quite a stir.

Tapes from Todd around 1979 just prior to dropping out of sight indicate that he had returned to teaching Oneness Pentecostal (aka, “Jesus Only”) theology. Todd dropped out of sight again after 1979, reportedly moving to rural Montana after issuing warnings that the Satanic takeover had begun. He was later reported to have delivered a speech in Cedar Falls, Iowa in 1983 at the invitation of Randy Weaver.

Later life

Todd was arrested in May 1987 for the rape of a University of South Carolina graduate student. After his arrest, he was additionally charged with sexually molesting two children who attended a karate school where he worked. He was convicted of the rape in January 1988 and sentenced to 30 years in state prison. In 2004, Todd was released, but he was put in the care of the Behavioral Disorder Treatment Unit run by the South Carolina Department of Mental Health.On November 10, 2007, Todd died in the institute.


In part 2 of this recording, we continue with information relevant to what you find here. You can find this recording by clicking here.




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