The World’s Most Secret Religion part 1 (Video Lecture)

Published on June 3, 2021 by admin

The World’s Most Secret Religion part 1

Altiyan Childs is the winner of the second season of X-Factor Australia. After signing with Sony Music, he released a self-titled album that went on to win the Highest Selling Album award at the 2010 ARIA Music Awards. Since then, Childs left Sony Music and signed with an independent label. After a few years away from the spotlight, Altiyan Childs reemerged with a stunning 5-hours long video which I have broken into two parts. This part is The World’s Most Secret Religion part 1.

Altiyan takes quite some time to reveal what the World’s Secret Religion actually is. This can be a bit boring at times. However, if you’re new to all of this he does explain the symbolism of the religion quite well. Now, what exactly is that secret religion? It’s Freemasonry, of course.

At the beginning of the first part of this two-part video, Altiyan claims that he once was a Freemason. However, after a near-death experience, he became a devout Christian and forever renounced Freemasonry. Not only that, he decided to break his oath of silence (which would put his life at risk) to reveal the darker secrets of Freemasonry.

He then goes on to explain all the various symbols that the Freemasons use. Personally, I have known about the hand and eye symbols for about 30 years now. I had one of the best spiritual teachers who made his students fully aware of these things right from the word go. Altiyan dedicates a good portion of the video to the one-eye symbol or sign, arguing that it is meant to represent the Masonic all-seeing eye. Yet some photographs are clearly photoshopped. Still, that doesn’t invalidate the core of his message. He often references the hidden hand sign also.

For those who are already familiar with much of the Freemasonry symbolism, this video offers a good refresher course on the beliefs of the occult elite. Using quotes from renowned Freemasons and occultists, Altiyan highlights the Luciferian philosophy of the Freemasons and explains how it reverberates at the highest levels of society. For example, the Royal Order of the Jesters – an invitation-only Masonic order that is said to be “fun” – is involved in sex trafficking. That particular Masonic order has some really creepy symbolism surrounding it.

Altiyan’s information is solid and well researched, but some of his personal interpretations of the situation are possibly a bit skew-whiff. On several occasions he states that there’s absolutely nothing that can be done to stop the elite’s plans, because it was all foretold in the Bible. Some might think: “Isn’t that exactly what the elite would want us to believe”? Yes, of course it is. If enough people believe it, they empower that belief with their energy and help to bring about the outcome, and that is definitely NOT what we want to have happen.

We must use our imagination to create a different outcome. One which sees the Luciferian Elite meeting their own demise and God winning in the end (which actually does happen, whether you currently believe it or not).

Nevertheless, this video still contains some useful information that might help people in their truth-seeking journey.




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